Aluminum prints represent a new art medium for preserving photos.  At Luxe Home we are very excited to be able to offer all of Sylvie and Michael Spewak's photography as aluminum prints.  For the highest possible quality, all aluminum prints use a dye sublimation process that produces no pixilation or other digital artifacts, regardless of the size of the print.  The process fuses the photo directly into the aluminum producing an ultra-hard scratch-resistant surface that is waterproof and weatherproof and can be cleaned easily with any commercial glass cleaner.

With aluminum prints, because the image is infused into the surface and not on it, images take on an almost magical luminescence.  Colors are vibrant - they really pop - and the luminescence is breathtaking.  Textures are well preserved and detail and resolution are unsurpassed.  For a striking effect we suggest borderless prints with hidden float-mount blocks that allow mounting ½” off the wall.  Aluminum framing is available as well for a more traditional look.  We find that aluminum prints work equally well with color and black and white photographs and they are particularly suited for applications that do not require a matte border and a custom frame.

While suitable for almost all categories, our own personal favorite categories for printing on aluminum are Graffiti and Wall Art. Below are some examples of our favorite aluminum prints.




We find that aluminum prints render colors, lines and textures in a way not generally achievable by more conventional means, where photos are situated behind glass.  The immediacy of the image becomes apparent within seconds and the overall intention stands out.  Because of this we do not recommend printing on aluminum for photos of more delicate subjects or those not intended to make a statement within a room.

Aluminum prints are priced at $.75 per square inch plus shipping, which will vary depending on the size of the print, generally up to $100. Prints are available at sizes up to 96” x 43”.  Prints over 60” x 40” require special shipping which will increase the shipping cost.