Welcome Back! Are you ready for tip #2 - Painting Ceilings and Painting Trim? Hopefully at this point you have decided what the room color should be and are ready to pick a trim and ceiling color. Picking white is not always the best idea, and there are 100’s of shades of “white” you could choose from anyway. You wouldn’t wear the same shoes or belt with everything in your wardrobe would you? …. would you?? Of course not! The trim in the room is also a color that should carefully be considered, not an afterthought to finish up the job.
Beautiful olive walls and trim with a warm butter colored ceiling
Trim can outline the parameters of the room or blur the lines where the walls stop and start,
Pale yellow walls, trim and ceiling keeps it open and inviting
enhance the woodwork or window placement or direct your eye to a special staircase mantle or alcove.
Beautiful doors highlighted in matte black

Oh, and while we are on the subject of small spaces, deep colors do not necessarily make a room seem smaller. Dark colors move away from the eye and light colors appear closer. To bring that high ceiling down to a more cozy feeling paint it a light color
Bring that ceiling down to a cozy scale with a light color
or to expand like an evening sky paint it darker.
Lift that ceiling with a tonal touch